Laser Safety Program Template

The Washington State University Laser Safety Program Template is available here: Laser Safety Program

The Laser Safety Program template includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Authorized personnel name and contact info (i.e. PI/Supervisor, who also acts as Laser Safety Officer for the lab or area)
  • Laser information (i.e. technical specifications, laser safety class)
  • Information on Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE), Nominal Hazard Zone (NHZ), and Optical Density (OD) safety eyewear
  • Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) & Hazard Assessment template
  • SOP Example

LASER SAFETY PROGRAM- For Each Class 3 and 4 Lasers



Responsible for Laser Safety (Refer to Responsible Parties in Appendix P):

·         Principal Investigator / Supervisor – Laser Safety Officer: _______________________________________

·         Phone Number: ______________________           E-Mail: _______________________________________

·         Department: _________________________          Department Chair or Director: _____________________

Area(s) Covered by this Program (i.e., Building, Room Numbers, Construction Site, etc.): _______________


Part II.  LASER INFORMATION: Used to determine Maximum Permissible Exposure Limit, Nominal Hazard Zone, and Optical Density, please provide information in the requested units (i.e. Joules, Watts, etc.).  The specific information requested is usually found in the specification pages of the manuals supplied by the laser manufacturer.

Laser Class (Check one that applies): □Class 1      □Class 2        □Class 3R        □Class 3B       □Class 4

·         Laser Type (List, i.e., Nitrogen, ND:Yag, Helium Neon, etc): _____________________________________


·         Manufacturer: __________________________________                   Model Number: _________________

·         Wavelength (s) or Wavelength Ranges: ________________ (μm)

·         Please briefly describe your laser application (i.e. Laser Welding, Scribing, Cutting, etc.): _____________



·         Mode:  Check One and Provide Information.

□ Continuous Wave:        Maximum Average Power: _______ (Watts) Exposure Time: _________ (Seconds)

Exposure Distance: _____________ (Meters) NOTE:  For diffuse viewing Optical Density calculations, the optical density analysis requires the magnitude of the distance from the scattering site to the observer. Unless otherwise specified, a quarter of a meter (0.25m) will be used as the “viewing distance”.

□ Single Pulse:      Pulse Energy: ________ (Joules)                  Pulse Length: ____________ (Seconds)

□ Multiple Pulse:   Pulse Energy: ________ (Joules)                  Average Power: ___________ (Watts)

Pulse Length: ________ (Seconds                Pulse Rate:  ______________ (Hertz)

·         Beam Shape:          Check One – □ Circular        □ Elliptical              □ Rectangular            □ Square

·         Beam Diameter at exit of Laser: _____________________ (mm)          Beam Divergence: __________(mrad)

Part II.  LASER INFORMATION: (Continued)

·         Used to determine the Nominal Hazard Zone for lens:    Check One and Provide Information.

□ Non-Applicable (N/A)

□ Applicable:             Focal Length: ________ (mm)     Beam Diameter at Lens: _________ (mm)

·         Used to determine Nominal Hazard Zone for fiber optics:  Check One and Provide Information.

□ Non-Applicable (N/A)

□ Single Fiber Optics Mode            Minimum Beam Waist _________________ (μm)

□ Multiple Fiber Optics Mode         Numerical Aperture: ___________________

·         Engineering Controls:  Check all that apply.

□ Non-Applicable                           □ Protective Housing       □ Interlocks                    □ Beam Stops

□ Optical System Attenuators        □ Enclosed Beam Paths   □  Remote Controls       □ Emission Delays

Once the information has been provided in Parts I and II, sign, date, and send the information to:EH&S, Mail Stop 1172.____________________________________________________               _______________________Signature                                                                                     Date


Once EH&S receives the information provided in Parts I, II, and III, the following will be determined for class 3B and 4 lasers only.

·         Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE):  ____________________________________________________

·         Nominal Hazard Zone (NHZ): _____________________________________________________________

·         Optical Density (OD – Protective Eyewear): __________________________________________________

____________________________________________________                ____________________

EH&S  Signature                                                                         Date



With the information provided in Parts I, II, III, and IV, complete standard operating procedure / hazard assessment for all Class 3 and 4 Lasers (See SOP Example).  If assistance is needed, contact EH&S at 335-3041.  Place a copy in the Laser Safety Program section of your Laboratory Safety Manual.

1. Introduction –

Descriptions of Laser

(See label and Manufacturer’s Manual )

System Description: ____________________________________________________________________

Type and Wavelength: __________________________________________________________________

Class: _______________________________________________________________________________

Intended Application: ____________________________________________________________________

Location: ______________________________________________________________________________

2. Hazards –

List all hazards associated with the laser.

Eye and skin hazards from direct and diffuse exposures: ______________________________


Electrical Hazards: ___________________________________________________________

Laser Generated Air Contaminants: ______________________________________________


Other Recognized Hazards: ____________________________________________________

3.  Control Measures –

List control measures for each hazard.

Include the following:

Eyewear requirement, include wavelength and Optical Density: ________________________________


Additional PPE: _____________________________________________________________________

Location of PPE:_____________________________________________________________________

Description of controlled area, nominal hazard zone and entry controls: _________________________


Reference to Laser Manufacturer’s Manual: _______________________________________________________

Alignment Procedures (or guidelines): ___________________________________________________


Maintenance Procedures: _____________________________________________________________

4. Training Requirements –

State specific requirements.

The specific training requirements for authorized personnel are: ______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________




5. Emergency Procedures – List contact information and action to be taken. In case of emergency:

Notify Laser PI / Supervisor ________________________________________ at ext. _____________

For Emergency Medical Response call ext. ____________________________

Action to be taken:

Report all incidents to ______________________________________  at ext. ___________

Additional Procedures: ________________________________________________________.

6. Approved Personnel – All individuals approved to operate / maintain the laser. ONLY trained and authorized personnel are allowed to operate and maintain laser.

Authorized Operators:    ___________________________________




Authorized Maintenance /Service Personnel     ______________________________




7.  Certification of SOP / Hazard Assessment Name of principal investigator/supervisor – Laser Safety Officer

__________________________________________________________          ___________________

Print:                                Name, Title                                                                                                                (Date)

__________________________________________________________          ___________________

(Signature)                                                                                                  (Date)



This section has been provided for the insertion of additional information pertinent to your Laser Safety Program. Insert additional information in the WSU Laser Safety Program / Template.  For example, Part VI might include the following:

● Laser Manufacturer’s Manual                                       ● ANSI Laser Standard

● Beam Alignment Procedures                                         ● Personal Protective Equipment Information

● Maintenance Instructions                                              ● Cleaning Manuals



Has medical surveillance program for laser been implemented (Check Yes or No)?   □ Yes         □  No

If yes, provide details with participants name and date of examination


NAME                                                                                               DATE




























1. Introduction –

Descriptions of Laser

System Description:  Model 1000 Nd:YAG laser marker system manufactured by the XYZ Company.                              

This is a Class 1 laser system with an embedded Class 4 Laser.

Type and Wavelength: 1.064 micro meters

Class: Class 1 with Embedded Class 4.

Intended Application:  Research

Location: Webster Hall, Room XYZ

2. Hazards –

List all hazards associated with the laser

Eye and skin hazards from direct and diffuse exposures: Eye Hazard from direct, reflected or scattered beam.  Skin hazard

·         Electrical Hazards: Inside power supply.

·         Laser Generated Air Contaminants: Target material.

·         Other Recognized Hazards: Fire hazard.

3.  Control Measures –

List control measures for each hazard.

Include the following:

Eyewear requirement, include wavelength and Optical Density: Approved laser safety eyewear with OD=5.0+  @1064 nm is required for all personnel inside the controlled area.

Additional PPE: Lab coat, long pants, and closed-toed shoes.


Location of PPE: OD=5.0+ Glasses are stored in cabinet to left of door prior to entry zone.

Description of controlled area, nominal hazard zone and entry controls: Established controlled area using laser barrier and warning signs, Nominal Hazard Zone is 100 meters = entire lab.

Reference to Equipment Manual: See Model 1000 Nd:YAG Laser Manual and ANSI Standard Z136.1

Alignment Procedures (or guidelines): (See C.2.Part IV, Additional Information – Manual for beam alignment procedures.  The following rules must be observed during the laser alignment: Only two trained personnel are allowed in the area during alignment procedures. All other activities are prohibited in the same room, unless appropriate protection is provided. Only essential personnel with the appropriate personal protective equipment are allowed in the work area. Place Warning Signs at entrances informing visitors of the dangers.  Use low power visible lasers to simulate the path of the high power laser.  When performing alignment procedures, reduce all high power laser beams to the minimum possible power. Avoid beam paths that are at sitting or standing eye level.  Take off all reflective objects (e.g., rings, badges, watches) before performing any work involving the lasers. Terminate laser beams and specular reflection on diffuse reflecting beam blocks. Keep all combustibles, tools, and reflective surfaces away from the beam path.  Make sure you know where the beam is and stay clear.


Maintenance Procedures: To be performed only by authorized maintenance personnel with the appropriate personal protective equipment (See Unit’s Laser Safety Program, Part I for a list of Authorized Personnel).  Follow Manufacturer’s instructions (See Unit’s Laser Safety Program, Part VII Additional Information – Manufacturer’s Manual). 





Power Supply: Work involving access to the power supply is normally done with the system locked and tagged out.  Access to the energized power supply must be done only by qualified personnel using the buddy system.  Workers are directed to review the electrical safety and power supply sections of the manual before any activities involving access to high voltage.


Exhaust System:  When functioning normally, the exhaust system will remove all Laser Generated Air Contaminants even with the protective housing open.  Notify Dr. Doe at 555-5555 if you think there might be a problem or contact EH&S at 335-3041.


4. Training Requirements –

State specific requirements.

The specific training requirements for authorized personnel are:  Laser safety training is required before personnel will be authorized to be in the controlled area while the beam is accessible.
5. Emergency Procedures – List contact information and action to be taken. In case of emergency:

Notify Laser PI / Supervisor          Dr. Doe                                         at ext. 555

For Emergency Medical Response call ext. 911

Action to be taken:

Report all incidents to               Dr. Doe                                                at ext. 555

Additional Procedures: If accident or injury, complete incident report and submit to Benefit Services

6. Approved Personnel –

All individuals approved to operate / maintain the laser.

List all authorized operators: Dr. Doe, Principal Investigator, Laser Safety Officer

Jane Doe, Laser Assistant

Ms. ANSI, Research Tech

List all authorized service personnel: John Doe, Laser Tech


7.  Certification of SOP / Hazard Assessment Name of principal investigator/supervisor – Laser Safety Officer


John Doe                            Principal Investigator – Laser Safety Officer                         4 March 2005               

Print:                                                              Name, Title                                                                                                                  (Date)

__________________________________________________________               ___________________

(Signature)                                                                                   (Date)