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Computer Component Recycling

Computer Component Recycling from WSU or home

Electronic equipment and components should be recycled rather than thrown away. Materials and Resource Management (MRM) collects electronics components at no charge from university departments (including computer monitors, hard drives, printers, televisions). Electronic equipment and components are recycled to recover the heavy metals and other hazardous components.

Electronic equipment and components can be recycled by going to the MRM web page, and fill out Request a Pickup from the pull down menu. After it is filled out and submitted, MRM will come and pick up your items. MRM will inspect items to determine value. MRM will attempt to sell components as individual working merchandise or palletize like components for scrap. If no one purchases the items, they are shipped off for recycling through a state approved recycling contractor.

Please call MRM at 335-4530 if you have questions about surplusing your equipment. Please call EH&S at 335-3041 if you have any questions regarding recycling of electronic equipment and components.

Electronics from home or personal equipment may be recycled locally. Whitman County has two locations where equipment can be recycled free of charge in Pullman for Whitman County Residents. Moscow Recycling Services also will take electronics free of charge from Latah County residents.


  • Pullman Disposal – 135 NW Harold, Pullman (off Old Wawawai Road)
  • Goodwill Industries Trailer – on South Grand just south of the Ace Hardware
  • Moscow Recycling Services –  401 N Jackson, Moscow
  • In addition, Wasthington State residents can recycle unwanted electronics from home through the E-Cycle Washington program which is public/private collaboration coordinated by the Washington State Department of Ecology.