
EH&S Training


EH&S provides health and safety training promoting safe work practices that adhere to WSU policy and State regulatory requirements. We offer safety training online and schedule or identify resources for instructor lead training upon request.

Employee Training

WSU Safety Policy and Procedures Manual (SPPM) Chapter 2.18 Safety Training summarizes the safety training topics required for WSU personnel. Your college, department, area or specific work related tasks may require additional health and safety training.

WSU employees access on-line safety training content by visiting Human Resource Services’ Learning and Organizational Development website, and logging into Skillsoft/Percipio:

To access WSU on-line safety trainings, go to the Library icon in the upper left corner of the screen, and select the WSU Catalog. From the WSU catalog, select Environmental Health and Safety. You may also select the following link to Environmental Health and Safety training, which will require that you log in to Percipio if you haven’t already:

Envrionmental Health and Safety Training

The exclamation point pictogram affiliated with the Environmental Health and Safety Percipio training tile indicates skin irritation, eye irritation or respiratory tract irritation:


We aren’t too sure how we feel about our association with irritants, it is better than toxic, but the skull and crossbones look cool. If you are not familiar with Globally Harmonized System of Hazard Communication pictograms, and you work with chemicals, take the hazard communication training.

General health and safety trainings are organized alphabetically under the Environmental Health and Safety tile, laboratory safety trainings may be found by clicking on the lab safety tile. If you have questions, please contact one of our subject matter experts.

To ensure users receive credit for completing safety training, please adhere to the following best practices:

  1. Plan to complete required Learning Program training modules/courses in one sitting. This is due to potential issues with the LMS not recording progress and completion data correctly.
  2. Open Google Chrome or Firefox browser (Edge is not a supported browser and training will not be recorded as completed if using Edge)
  3. Ensure your web browser is updated and meets “Percipio for Web Requirements
    1. If using Chrome, you may need to adjust your settings to Allow Pop-Ups.
    2. If using Firefox, access the URL to Enable Autoplay.
  4. Clear your browser cache
    1. Clear Your Cache in Google Chrome
    2. Clear Your Cache in Firefox
  5. If you previously accessed the Learning Program or Course and the training was disrupted for any reason, and you did not complete the training, before beginning training again, access the URLs to clear your browser cache, and then restart the training from the beginning:
  6. Go through each slide of the training, allowing all voiceovers play to the end, including on any quiz question slides and on the final slide.
  7. Even if navigation of the slides is not restricted, do not drag the playback seek bar ahead or skip to the next slide until the voiceover for that slide is complete.
  8. If the training includes playback speed functionality, you may adjust the speed for that particular training’s voiceovers.
  9. When you reach the final slide, do not exit the training until the entire voiceover for that training slide is complete. If there is an “Exit Course” button, ensure you exit the training using that button as instructed.

Completed safety training content is retained on your learning transcript. Supervisors or administrative personnel wanting information summarizing completed employee safety training courses may contact EH&S at 335-3041 or

For additional training content, please visit our Training Courses page.

Student Training

Students may access the same health and safety training content available to employees via Canvas. Instructors may integrate Canvas safety training directly into coursework.

For additional training content, please visit our Training Courses page.