Laboratory Safety Manual Overview
Washington State University’s Laboratory Safety Manual is a tool to assist responsible parties with developing their laboratory specific Chemical Hygiene Plan and related laboratory safety programs. Implementation of the Laboratory Safety Manual/Chemical Hygiene Plan is a critical element in achieving a safe and healthful laboratory environment.
WSU’s Laboratory Safety Manual coupled with the Chemical Hygiene Plan completed by each laboratory establishes laboratory specific policies and procedures. A Laboratory Safety Manual/Chemical Hygiene Plan Guide provides additional information for developing and implementing a plan.
Table of Contents
Click the title to see more information
General Chemical Hygiene and Safety; Policies and Recommendations
- Basic Rules and Procedures
- Chemical Procurement, Distribution, and Storage
- Exposure Monitoring
- Housekeeping
- Medical Surveillance
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Recordkeeping
- Signage and Labeling
- Chemical Spill Clean-Up and Reporting
- Training, Information, and Factsheets
- Hazardous Waste Disposal
- Inspections
- SDS and Other References
- Carcinogens in Laboratories
- Laboratory Safety Standard
- Respiratory Hazards and Personal Exposure Limits (PEL’s)
- General Safety Information
- Respiratory Protection
- WSU Hazardous Waste Management Guidelines
- Glove Information and Links to Manufacturers Compatibility Charts
- Laboratory Safety References
- Infectious and Biohazardous Waste Disposal
- Sharps Disposal
- Radioactive Waste Disposal
- Carcinogens
- Reproductive Toxins
- Standard Operating Procedures and Hazard Assessment Certification Template
- Operating Procedures for the Performance of Maintenance/Construction Activities in Laboratory Facilities
- Work Permit for Maintenance/Construction Activities in Laboratories
- Laser Safety Information
- Laser Safety Program Template