Washington State University
Environmental Health & Safety Computer Workstation Ergonomics


Monitor should be located directly in front of you with the top of the screen at, or slightly below, eye height. The top of the monitor should be tilted slightly away from you in relation to the bottom of the monitor. Use a monitor pedestal, books or other stable items to raise a low monitor.

If you wear progressive lens or bifocals you might need to lower the monitor or raise the chair height to keep the head level when viewing through the lower portion of the lens.

The monitor should be placed as far away from you as possible while allowing you to easily and comfortably read the screen. 

Keep the screen clean by wiping it very lightly every few days with an anti-static cloth or other manufacturer recommended cleaner.

Note: Remember to visit your eye care professional regularly and to discuss with him/her the frequency of your computer use.

LCD vs. CRT Monitors

LCD (flat panel) monitors offer a number of ergonomic advantages and should be considered whenever possible.

Ergonomic advantages of a LCD monitor:

  • Visual performance
  • Image brightness and sharpness
  • No screen glare
  • Space efficiency
  • Light weight



Contact Occupational Health & Safety for an ergonomic evaluation.