Washington State University
Environmental Health & Safety EH&S Factsheets

Restricted Entry after Pesticide Applications:

The First 30 Days in Nurseries


The purpose of this pamphlet is to provide guidelines for entering nursery areas treated with any pesticides immediately after an application; during a Restricted Entry Interval (REI); during the next 30 days following an application without an REI; and for 30 days after an REI has expired. This information is applicable to all agricultural workers, crop advisors, and pesticide handlers. 

If a Pesticide Is Applied:

As a fumigant, smoke, mist, fog, aerosol, or aerially, in an upward direction, or using a spray pressure greater than 150 psi:

  • Then worker entry is restricted to the treated area plus a 100 foot radius of the treated area during the period between the end of the application and the end of the label specified REI.

Downward at a height greater than 12 inches above the planting medium; or using a fine spray; or using a spray pressure between 40-150 psi; and is not a fumigant/smoke/mist/ fog/ aerosol:

  • Then worker entry is restricted to the treated area plus a 25 foot radius of the treated area during the period between the end of the application and the end of the label specified REI.

And is not categorized by any of the above described application methods and requires respiratory protection by the product label:

  • Then worker entry is restricted to the treated area plus a 25 foot radius of the treated area during the period between the end of the application and the end of the label specified REI.

Other than any of the above described scenarios:

  • Worker entry is restricted to the treated area only during the period between the end of the application and the end of the label specified REI.

Restricted Worker Entry during the Period from the End of the Pesticide Application to the End of the REI Is Allowed:

For short term activities:

  • These include operating, moving, or repairing irrigation/watering equipment or performing crop advisor tasks. Activities not allowed include hand labor and tasks that require considerable contact with surfaces treated directly or indirectly with pesticides.
  • Entry cannot occur until 4 hours after pesticide application is completed. Inhalation exposure levels must also be below those listed in the pesticide label.
  • Entry can be for no more than 1 hour for every 24 hours.
  • PPE must be worn as specified for early entry in the pesticide label and as required by WAC 296-307-12020 (3). Proper decontamination supplies must be available. Requirements are listed in the EH&S factsheet Preparedness and Planning.
  • Appropriate measures are to be taken to prevent heat-related illnesses. Please see the EH&S factsheet Heat-Related Illnesses.
  • Worker Protection Standard (WPS) training, Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) training, and posted pesticide information must be provided prior to entry into treated areas.
  • Transportation to a nearby medical facility must be available should a pesticide-related poisoning or injury occur.

For Agricultural Emergencies:

  • An agricultural emergency is determined by the Washington State Department of Agriculture, and does not include day-to-day situations. Agricultural emergencies are defined in the WAC 296-307-12020 (4).
  • Entry cannot occur until 4 hours after pesticide application is completed.
  • Entry is allowed to perform any task that will mitigate the emergency. Tasks can include hand labor tasks and can exceed 1 hour in a 24 hour period. Term activities must also be followed. All other requirements listed for short term activities must also be followed.
  • A record must be completed within 24 hours of early entry that includes: the date, start and end time of emergency period; reason for emergency; crop site; pesticide name, EPA #, and REI; name of early entry individual, the date and time of entry and exit; and the estimated potential economic loss if early entry did not occur. This must be maintained for 7 years and made available upon request.

For “No Contact” activities:

  • Conditions of “no contact” are no contact with anything treated with a pesticide, but is not limited to: soil; water; plant surfaces; or air (inhalation exposure levels must be below those listed in the pesticide label for early entry).
  • WPS and HCS training, and posted pesticide application information must be provided prior to entry. Standard protective clothing is also required for entry.

For crop advisors:

For pesticide handlers:

  • They may enter any time after the pesticide application if they follow the product label requirements for pesticide application.

Worker Entry during the Period 30 Days after the REI Expires Is Allowed if:

  • Standard Protective Clothing (SPC) is worn and proper decontamination supplies are available.
  • Worker Protection Standard (WPS) training, Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) training, and posted pesticide application information is provided prior to entry.
  • Other WPS worker requirements are met. Transportation to medical facilities must also be available.

Worker Entry into a Treated Area where a Pesticide without a Label Specified REI Has Been Applied:

  • Refer to the section for entry 30 days after the REI expires. Entry requirements are the same.

Warning Signs and Application Information for Pesticide Treated Areas:

  • Check the pesticide application postings to know where treated areas are, what pesticides have been applied, what REI is in effect, and other entry requirements such as PPE needed. Entry warning signs can be found at points of access, orchard or plot corners, or any other place with high visibility.
  • Application information will be in the location specified for the posting of pesticide safety information. This information will be posted for 30 days after the pesticide REI is over, or for 30 days after the application, if the pesticide has no REI.
  • The following information will be listed regarding the pesticide application: the location and description of the treated area; the product name, EPA registration number, and active ingredient(s) of the pesticide; the time and date of the pesticide application; and the restricted-entry interval for the pesticide.


  • “Worker” refers to any employee performing activities related to the production of agricultural plants, and is not a pesticide applicator or crop advisor.
  • “Restricted Entry Interval” (REI) means the period after the end of a pesticide application during which entry into the treated area is restricted as specified on the pesticide label.
  • “Pesticide” refers to any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, control, repel, or mitigate any insect, rodent, fungus, weed, and plant virus. These include, but are not limited to herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, adjuvants, plant regulators, and defoliants.
  • “Hand Labor” is agricultural activity performed by hand or hand tools and can include, but not limited to: harvesting, de-tasseling, thinning, weeding, topping, planting, pruning, disbudding, roguing, and packing produce in the field.
  • “Standard Protective Clothing” protects the body from pesticide residues and includes: long-sleeved shirt; long pants; gloves; hat or scarf; socks; and shoes.

Getting Assistance

Contact EH&S if you have any questions about restricted entry after pesticide application during the first 30 days in nurseries.

Initial Application Non-restricted activity for pesticides without an REI  
4 hour
24 hour
48 hour
72 hour
3 day
7 day
30 days post applications
or REI
Restricted activity for pesticides with a
Restricted Entry Interval (REI)